How do dental implants improve oral health compared to traditional dentures?

Dental implants in Park Ridge offer an advantageous alternative to traditional dentures or bridges to restore missing teeth. Compared to removable dentures, implants provide superior function, stability, comfort and improved oral health outcomes. 

Dental Implants in Park Ridge are artificial tooth roots placed surgically into the jawbone. The implant fuses with the surrounding bone, forming a strong foundation. An artificial tooth or set of teeth is then attached to the implant to replace the missing tooth or teeth. 

With Invisalign treatment in Park Ridge, implants securely anchor replacement teeth within the mouth. The artificial teeth feel and function like natural teeth. Implants eliminate the need to rely on adhesives that attach removable dentures to the gums. This can increase chewing, speaking, and comfort in Invisalign in Park Ridge.

Removable dentures can cause problems like sore spots, ulceration of the supporting tissues and bone loss beneath the dentures over time. In contrast, dental implants and attached replacement teeth prevent additional bone loss and reduce gum tissue irritation.

Teeth Whitening in Park Ridge can help keep artificial teeth and implants clean to avoid tartar buildup that leads to infection or gum disease. Regular maintenance appointments help ensure proper function and hygiene around implants.

In summary, dental implants provide more stability, comfort and improved oral health than dentures and bridges. Implants fuse with the jawbone to securely anchor replacement teeth within the mouth. Dental implants can restore oral function and health properly, similar to natural Teeth Whitening in Park Ridge.

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